The Word "Their" - A Comprehensive Guide

The Word "Their"


The word "their" is a possessive adjective used in the English language to indicate that something belongs to or is associated with the people or subjects previously mentioned. It primarily refers to nouns that are plural in nature.

Example Sentences

Here are some examples of how "their" can be used in sentences:

  • The children retrieved their toys from the playground.
  • The artists displayed their work at the gallery.
  • Each student submitted their homework on time.

Grammar and Usage

"Their" is the third person plural possessive pronoun. Unlike "his" and "her," which specify gender, "their" is gender-neutral, which makes it a useful term in modern English. For clarity, here’s how it fits in with other possessive pronouns:

  • My - the possessive form of "I"
  • Your - the possessive form of "you"
  • His - the possessive form of "he"
  • Her - the possessive form of "she"
  • Its - the possessive form of "it"
  • Their - the possessive form of "they"

Common Misunderstandings

One common misunderstanding arises from the contraction "they're," which stands for "they are." For example:

Incorrect: They're bags are on the table.

Correct: Their bags are on the table.

Usage in Modern Context

In recent years, "their" has been increasingly used as a singular pronoun to refer to individuals whose gender is not specified or when the speaker wishes to be gender-neutral. For example:

If a student has completed their assignment, they can leave early.


"Their" plays a crucial role in English grammar as a possessive adjective. Its ability to serve as a gender-neutral option makes it particularly relevant in current discussions about inclusivity in language.

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